The Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Group (HSGG) at the University of California at Davis spans departments to offer M.S., professional M.S. (non-thesis option), and Ph.D. degrees founded on coursework and research that may be geared toward hydrology as a specialized discipline or problem-oriented, interdisciplinary training taking advantage of the breadth of Earth, environmental, agricultural, social science, and/or engineering resources on campus.
The three degree programs in the Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Group offer opportunities for a wide range of course work and study. Students choose from one of the following specializations, depending on their prior course-work and their graduate study interests:
Earth Surface Processes
Physical Hydrology
Water Policy & Management
Researchers at the HSGG hold grants from the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy, the Almond Board of California, the Department of Water Resources, the State Water Resources Control Board, and various local water agencies among others grant-giving institiuions.
Here's a bit of the research that's coming out of our labs at UC Davis.